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Stepping stones to science: true tales and awesome activities
Kendall F. Haven
619 Kb
Wonders of the Sea: Merging Ocean Myth and Ocean Science
Kendall F. Haven
1.60 Mb
Voices of the American Civil War: Stories of Men, Women, and Children Who Lived Through the War Between the States
Kendall Haven
Военная история
2.99 Mb
Get It Write!: Creating Lifelong Writers from Expository to Narrative
Kendall Haven
17.68 Mb
Story Proof: The Science Behind the Startling Power of Story
Kendall Haven
Наука (общее)
959 Kb
Great Moments in Science: Experiments and Readers Theatre
Kendall Haven
541 Kb
Marvels of Math: Fascinating Reads and Awesome Activities
Kendall Haven
502 Kb
Close Encounters with Deadly Dangers: Riveting Reads and Classroom Ideas
Kendall Haven
826 Kb
Write Right!: Creative Writing Using Storytelling Techniques
Kendall Haven
738 Kb
Wonders of the Land (Wonders of Nature: Natural Phenomena in Science and Myth)
Kendall Haven
2.95 Mb
Green Electricity: 25 Green Technologies That Will Electrify Your Future
Kendall Haven
1.49 Mb
Crash Course in Storytelling
Kendall Haven
MaryGay Ducey
1.24 Mb
Voices of the American Revolution: Stories of Men, Women, and Children Who Forged Our Nation
Kendall Haven
4.12 Mb
100 Greatest Science Discoveries of All Time
Kendall Haven
History and Philosophy of Science
1.62 Mb
Wonders of the Sea
Kendall Haven
1.87 Mb
Women at the Edge of Discovery: 40 True Science Adventures
Kendall Haven
1.95 Mb
Super Simple Storytelling: A Can-Do Guide for Every Classroom, Every Day
Kendall Haven
1.43 Mb
100 Most Popular Scientists for Young Adults: Biographical Sketches and Professional Paths
Kendall Haven
Donna Clark
1.69 Mb
100 Greatest Science Discoveries of All Time
Kendall Haven
1.06 Mb